Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Counter Strike
Counter-Strike (was shortened by CS) was the game of the person-first shooting video that was the modification of the game of the video of Half-Life by Minh Gooseman Le and Jess Cliffe Cliffe. This game had developed by a series of new game since being launched, including Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, and Counter-Strike to Xbox. Counter-Strike put forward the team counter-terrorist (CT) that opposed the team of the terrorist in a series of round.
Apart from by means of below, the victory could be gained by killing all of the team's members despite this. 1. defuse the bomb (Bomb defusal) * Was current for the prefixed place de, the example: de inferno, de dust, etc.. * this scenario, the team of the terrorist was assigned to bury the bomb to the place that has been provided, that was mentioned bombsite (A and B). On the other hand, the team counter-terrorist must tame the bomb if being buried, or preventing the terrorist burying his bomb. 2. The rescue of the hostage (Hostage rescue) * Was current for the prefixed place cs, the example: cs assault, cs militia, etc.. * in this place, counter-terrorist must rescue to-4/5 the hostage (hostage) that was in the terrorist's post (T Spawn)
the Murder of the secret (Assatination) * Was current for the prefixed US place, the example: as tundra, as oilrig, etc.. * in the scenario assatination, one of the members counter-terrorist became the VIP in his team. This member might not die until reaching the safe place (usually the helicopter or the tank). * Skenario this often was not in the game of Counter-Strike.
The weapon that could be used in part: * 1. Pistol * 2. the sporting gun * 3. The air rifle * * 4. machine gun * 5. equipment * 6. kevlar* 7. knife * 8. Grenade * 9. defuser kit (CT) * 10. The bomb C4 (T)

Senin, 10 November 2008

The militant's words referred to the person or people's group who went along as well as in a physical battle/verbal that was aggressive, usually was caused by a cause. The journalist often utilised words miiltan as istilan neutral for the soldier that not including in an organisation of the military. Specially, a person that the militant joined in as well as in the act of the violence as part of the reason for fighting for a political aim. Popularly, said the "militant" often disamaartikan with the terrorist, although possibly characteristically that was weaker. The term of the "militant's country" in the colloquial language referred to a country that had the aggressive attitude in supporting an ideology or the case. In the French language, the "militant's" term had the softer meaning that meant the "activist".

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

US Pay attention to Military Indonesia
The United States (the USA) observed thoroughly the Indonesian military after Megawati Soekarnoputri's rise becoming the President the 5 RI, but they did not yet break whether increasing limited relations with the Troops of Nasional Indonesia, said a senior official Foreign Affairs Department the USA. The official, who asked to be not acknowledged as his identity, said to the reporter who went on a trip with US Minister for Foreign Affairs Colin Powell to Vietnam that TNI Angkatan Darat supported Megawati. He mentioned that AD uptil now was part of the big problem in Indonesia, but said also could become part of the solution.
The official said, the USA uptil now was considering increased contact military-to-military that was very limited with Indonesia, but mentioned that the step of that kind will depend in how the military have an attitude. "This really depended in how the Indonesian military reacted in the transparency, in akuntabilitas on several matters in the past, and in their merciless attitude in several rumours," said the official. Because of the restriction that was determined by the US Congress, Pemerintah USA was only permitted to have limited contact with the Indonesian military. The White House under President George W Bush and former President Bill Clinton uptil now was very limiting in permitting relations of that kind. The relations at this time were limited in the help exercise of the disaster and humanity, including a visit recently by the US marines who helped painted a school in Indonesia. The officials of the US defence wanted to establish again relations that were strong with the Indonesian military, but want to decisive that the Indonesian military side continue to was under the command and the control one
In Washington, a Pentagon spokesperson said, relations military-to-military with Indonesia not automatically changed as resulting from Megawati's rise. "We be sure that they could, and must, worked constructively with the Indonesian military in legal limits and the policy to fill the special US interests."

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

The United States Armed Forces are the overall unified military forces of the United States. The United States military was first formed during the Continental Congress to defend the new nation against the United Kingdom in the American Revolutionary War. The Army, Marine Corps and Navy were commissioned in 1775 in anticipation of the declaration of independence in 1776. The Coast Guard was formed in 1790. Though possessing one of the largest air forces in the world, the United States Air Force did not emerge as an independent service until 1947.

From the time of its inception, the military played a decisive role in the History of the United States. A sense of national unity and identity was forged out of the victorious Barbary Wars and War of 1812, with the latter sometimes referred to as America's "Second War of Independence". Even so, the Founding Fathers were suspicious of a permanent military force and not until the outbreak of the Second World War did a peacetime army become officially established.[5]

The President serves as the Commander-in-chief of the military, with the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense acting as the principal organ by which military policy is carried out. The 9/11 attacks prompted the formation of the Department of Homeland Security to counter internal threats to the United States.

The military is composed of almost 3 million personnel, half of which are on active duty and the other half on reserve. The military draws its manpower from a large pool of volunteers and as such conscription is not needed. Much of the personnel are involved in the logistics of the military, whose immense power projection capabilities are made possible by the large fleet of C-5 Galaxy, C-17 Globemaster, and C-130 Hercules transportation aircraft. A substantial fleet of aerial refueling tankers provide the necessary fuel. The military's 11 active service aircraft carriers, along with her other blue water navy assets gives the United States the most powerful and flexible arms in the world, and is occasionally referred to as a hyperpower. Also the United States armed forces, as a whole, is considered the greatest of all time.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Sejarah Perjuangan TNI

Sejarah Perjuangan TNI.

a. Perjalanan Sejarah Perjuangan TNI . Pada awal kemerdekaan terakumulasi kekuatan bersenjata yang berasal dari para tokoh pejuang bersenjata, baik dari didikan Jepang (PETA), Belanda (KNIL), maupun mereka yang berasal dari lascar rakyat, inilah cikal bakal lahirnya TNI, yang dalam perkembangannya mengkonsolidasikan diri ke dalam Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR), yang kemudian berturut-turut berganti nama menjadi Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (TKR), Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat (TKR), Tentara Republik Indonesia (TRI), Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia (APRI), Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia Serikat (APRIS), yang kembali menjadi Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia (APRI), Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI), melalui penggabungan dengan Polri, dan berdasarkan Ketetapan MPR No. VI/MPR/2000 kembali menggunakan nama Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) setelah pemisahan peran antara TNI dan Polri. Sejak kelahirannya, TNI menghadapi berbagai tugas dalam rangka menegakkan kedaulatan negara, mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia tahun 1945, serta melindungi segenap bangsa dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia dari ancaman dan gangguan terhadap keutuhan bangsa dan negara. Pengabdian TNI kepada negara dapat dilihat dalam perjalanan sejarah perjuangannya sebagai berikut

Bela Diri Militer

Adalah Organisasi Bela Diri Taktis Yang Menggunakan Tangan Kosong Dan Senjata Tajam (Pisau) Secara Cepat Dan Tepat. Organisasi Ini Terbentuk Pada 9 Januari 2008 Atas Prakarsa Tiga Praktisi Bela Diri Yang Selama Ini Menekuni “ Close Quarter Combat Training “ Dari Ret.Capt. Glen Gardiner Dari Australian Army. Dengan Latar Belakang Pengalaman Beladiri Yang Berbeda Dan Pengalaman Berlatih Bersama Dengan Berbagai Negara: Australia, Fiji, Inggris,Amerika Dan Norwegia, Kami Berhasil Merangkum Materi Latihan Beladiri Taktis Yang Efektif Dan Efesien.

Melatih Praktisi Menggunakan Pisau Secara Benar Yaitu Cepat Dan Tepat.
Praktisi “Belati” Akan Diajarkan Pengetahuan Anatomi Tubuh Manusia Dan Pembuluh Darah, Hingga Praktisi Tahu Letak Sasaran Dan Bagaimana Menyerangnya, Karena Beberapa Bagian Vital Manusia Letaknya Tersebunyi Dalam Kulit,Daging Dan Tulang. Dengan Mengetahui Tehnik Dan Letak Sasaran Yang Benar Akan Memudahkan Praktisi “Belati” Untuk Melumpuhkan Lawan Dalam Tempo Yang Singkat.

Visi Dan Misi

Adalah Penting Bagi Kami Untuk Menyebar Luaskan Ilmu Pengetahuan Kami Ke Berbagai Pihak Yang Me Membutuhkan Seperti : Jasa Keamanan, Kepolisian, Militer Dan Sebagainya, Mengingat Profesi Mereka Yang Memang Membutuhkan Ilmu Pengetahuan Ini.

Pengenalan Senjata Tajam: Karakter Pisau, Satu Sisi, Dua Sisi, Berat Pisau,Panjang Pisau, Dst.
Posisi Tempur: Handle Grip,Reverse Grip
Jarak Tempur : Close,Medium,Projectile.
Drill Pisau, Drill Tangan
Anatomi Tubuh Manusia
Tehnik Bertarung (Lawan Tangan Kosong,Lawan Bersenjata)
Tehnik Ambush (Sergapan Dari Belakang,Samping,Depan)
Kami Menggunakan Padded Knife Atau Dummy Untuk Latih Tanding Untuk Melihat Sejauh Mana Pemahaman Praktisi “Belati” Dalam Pertarungan Sesungguhnya.